Ville Andersson in Vitraria Glass + A Museum

Simplicity, 2011, c-print prosec, ed. 5 + 2 a.p., 80 x 100 cm
Ville Andersson takes part in group exhibition Glass + A held in Venice’s newest museum venue, the Vitraria Glass + A Museum. The exhibition Glass + A, comprising works from 36 artists including Bill Viola, Sean Scully and AES+F, is the inaugural exhibition of the newly opened Vitraria Glass + A Museum. The exhibition approaches the world of glass from a holistic perspective, exploring the qualities and characteristics of glass such as fragility, transparency, and also sharpness. The exhibition aims at bridging the past and the present, and offers an experience of glass in all its multifaceted, even unexpected forms.
The exhibition is open 27.9.2014–25.1.2015.
Read more on the exhibition.
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