Manifesto of Stillness exhibition curated by Ville Löppönen at Hyvinkää Art Museum 14.12.-24.2.

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The Manifesto of Stillness brings together five artists for whom silence is a central aspect of creating art to Hyvinkää Art Museum: Ulla Karttunen, Jukka KorkeilaAnni Löppönen, Ville Löppönen and Henry Wuorila-Stenberg

Silence is often perceived as the absence of speech and sound. However, for these five artists, silence is more than the state of being quiet; it is also a way of working that allows space for accessing internal images and experiences, finding connections, hearing, and being truly present.

Via this process, the artwork becomes manifest of stillness. The exhibition’s paintings, photographs and installations, which all focus on the same theme, cover the floors and walls of the large exhibition hall. 

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