Jukka Rusanen, Trésor, 2016–2017, silk, canvas, thread, oil colour, painting frame, 253 x 180 x 16 cm. Photo: Jussi Tianen.
Jukka Rusanen’s solo exhibition Setting 2 is on display in Galleria Becker in Jyväskylä. The exhibition is a follow up to the Setting exhibition seen in Helsinki Contemporary in January 2017. As in the exhibition in Helsinki Contemporary, spatiality is a central theme in this exhibition as well.
"Being in the world is spatial, and hence thinking, too, is spatial. The body reacts to the environment and the mind, and this also applies to the artistic working process. A painting is an experience of spatiality and a crystallization of spatiality at the instant it becomes visible."
The exhibition consists of various elements that supports each other: crocheted and painted works with an equal status.
The exhibition is open 8 – 26 April, 2017.
Read about the exhibition.
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