Jukka Korkeila in “The Third Hand: Maurizio Cattelan and the Moderna Museet Collection” at Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden

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Jukka Korkeila’s work is included in the current collection exhibition of Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden. “The Third Hand: Maurizio Cattelan and the Moderna Museet Collection”, is on view 24.2.2024-25.1.2025.

“The Third Hand” comprises six exhibition rooms in which contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan’s work is paired with artworks by Swedish and international artists from Moderna Museet’s collection. The exhibition asks, who has the power over art, society, life, and death?

One of the best-known provocateurs of contemporary art Maurizio Cattelan questions the conventions of society in general and the art world in particular often through satire and humour. The scrutiny of power and belief systems is a theme that runs through his entire body of work, but he leaves the interpretation of his works to the viewer.

Read more about "The Third Hand" at Moderna Museet.

Jukka Korkeila’s (@jukka_korkeila) work is included in the current @modernamuseet collection exhibition. “The Third Hand: Maurizio Cattelan and the Moderna Museet Collection”, is on view until 12.1.2025 at Moderna Museet in Stockholm, Sweden.  “The Third Hand” comprises six exhibition rooms in which contemporary artist Maurizio Cattelan’s work is paired with artworks by Swedish and international artists from Moderna Museet’s collection. The exhibition asks, who has the power over art, society, life, and death?  One of the best-known provocateurs of contemporary art Maurizio Cattelan questions the conventions of society in general and the art world in particular often through satire and humour. The scrutiny of power and belief systems is a theme that runs through his entire body of work, but he leaves the interpretation of his works to the viewer.  Image: Jukka Korkeila: “The Art of Falling apart” (2000), acrylic paint, charcoal and putty on canvas on masonite. Photo: Åsa Lundén / Moderna Museet.

Jukka Korkeila: “The Art of Falling Apart” (2000), acrylic paint, charcoal and putty on canvas on masonite. Photo: Åsa Lundén / Moderna Museet.