Jukka Korkeila at La Bienal del Fin del Mundo in Argentina

Jukka Korkeila, Kaksi kukkaa – Kukat ovat muistoja paratiisista (musta), 2014.
Jukka Korkeila takes part in the fourth edition of La Bienal del Fin del Mundo held in Mar del Plata in Argentina. The biennial comprises works and projects from over 150 artists from 35 countries and five continents. This year’s biennial’s main project, titled Contrastes & Utopías, has been produced under the artistic direction of Massimo Scaringella. Various collateral events, exhibitions and performances will take place in concordance with the biennial in Mar del Plata and Valparaíso.
The biennial is open to the public 12.12.2014–22.2.2015.
Read more on the biennial.
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