Hans Rosenström at Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art
Hans Rosenström, Mikado, 2009, sound installation. Installation view from Noorderzon Performing Arts Festival, Groningen, 2012.
Hans Rosenström takes part in the group exhibition Sound, Image, Experience at Wäinö Aaltonen Museum of Art in Turku, Finland. The exhibition opens on December 5th. The exhibition depicts intersections of image and sound and explores the experiences they evoke. Sound can evoke visual, spatial, or narrative mental images in the listener, while images can take the viewer’s thoughts to soundscapes or plain silence. The exhibition features works from 14 Finnish contemporary artists or artist groups. The exhibiting artists are Risto-Pekka Blom, IC-98, Antti Immonen, Saara-Maria Kariranta, Hannu Karjalainen, Jouna Karsi, Juhana Moisander, Merja Nieminen & James Andean, Taneli Rautiainen, Hans Rosenström, Emma Rönnholm, Heidi Tikka, Videokaffe and Kati Åberg.
The exhibition is open 5.12.2014–1.3.2015.
Read more on the exhibition.
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