Hannaleena Heiska presented in exhibition Shine at Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall

Norway was one of the first countries to grant women suffrage in 1913. To mark the centennial, Bomuldsfabriken Kunsthall in Arendal, southern Norway, is presenting an exhibition Shine with five contemporary female artists: Vanessa Baird, Julie Nord, Hannaleena Heiska, Nadine Byrne and Hrafnhildur Arnadottir, respectively from Norway, Denmark, Finland, Sweden and Iceland.
"Despite their individual characteristics, the works in Shine have the same electric frequency. They shine brightly and reflect a spectacular type of freedom that bursts delimiting stereotypes. All the works seem to stem from some free and wild place, being boldly made by present-day ‘mad women in the attic’."
The exhibition is open 9.2.–17.3.2013.
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