Berlin and the Artists

Marcus Eek, Sevillanas, 2013, oil on canvas, 160 x 140 cm
Helsinki Contemporary's artists Marcus Eek and Jukka Korkeila are participating in the exhibition Berlin - the historical layers of painting, which opens this weekend at Gallen-Kallela Museum in Tarvaspää, Espoo. The exhibition views over the impact Berlin has on artists and art. How does a city influence the artistic work and what does it mean to work abroad? Akseli Gallen-Kallelas short but significant stay in Berlin during 1985 works as a starting point for the exhibition that furthermore depicts the present art scene in Berlin. The exhibition is curated by Mika Hannula and it consists of works by Gallen-Kallela and some fellow artists of his generation together with six contemporary artists living and working in Berlin of today.
The exhibition is open 24.5.-31.8.2014.
More information about the exhibition.
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